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JUDAS PRIEST.-Angel of Retribution From WikimediaCommons. Author.- ZachPetersen From Cedar Rapids Iowa USA |
Seguimos con nuestra conversación sobre la música de Judas, aunque Nuria nos había abandonado para unirse a uno de los grupos de conversación en inglés. De Judas le interesó mucho la parte de los juicios, como hemos visto en la anterior entrega, pero desde el punto de vista musical, le resultaba algo demasiado fuerte. Dejó que Carmen la introdujera en un grupo y en seguida se integró. Siempre me dio envidia su dominio del inglés.
We continue our conversation about the music of Judas, although Nuria had left us to join one of the groups of English conversation. From Judas, she was very interested in the part of a trial, as we have seen in the previous post, but from a musical standpoint, it was somewhat too strong for her. He let Carmen introduced her into a group and then joined at the moment. Always gave me envy their english.
-el mejor de los discos de esta banda es Painkiller de 1990- dijo Carlos, sacándome de estos pensamientos. - Yo no lo creo así- dijo Rafa,- Casi cualquiera de los 70 es mejor-. Esta polémica entre ellos entre 70 y 80 ya las habíamos visto antes, y sus posturas eran irreconciliables. Menos mal que Ian cambió el tercio, -ya empezaban los problemas en el seno del grupo- dijo . - A Halford le parecía que debían evolucionar con las tendencias del momento y tirar hacia un trash metal más potente- , me parecía lógico dado el éxito de bandas como Metallica, Antrhax, Slayer, los brasileños Sepultura, Pantera etc, El resto de miembros del grupo eran más continuistas. Les había ido bien, ¿por qué cambiar?
-the best album of this band is 1990´s Painkiller - Carlos said, pulling me these thoughts. - I think not this way- Rafa said, - Almost any of the 70 is better. This controversy within them between 70 and 80 we had seen it before, and their positions were irreconcilable. Luckily Ian changed the topic:-and began the problems within the group- said. - Halford seemed to be evolving with current trends and pull toward a more powerful-trash metal, it seemed logical given the success of bands like Metallica, Antrhax, Slayer, Sepultura, Pantera etc. The other members of the group were more conservatives. It had gone well, why change?
We continue our conversation about the music of Judas, although Nuria had left us to join one of the groups of English conversation. From Judas, she was very interested in the part of a trial, as we have seen in the previous post, but from a musical standpoint, it was somewhat too strong for her. He let Carmen introduced her into a group and then joined at the moment. Always gave me envy their english.
-el mejor de los discos de esta banda es Painkiller de 1990- dijo Carlos, sacándome de estos pensamientos. - Yo no lo creo así- dijo Rafa,- Casi cualquiera de los 70 es mejor-. Esta polémica entre ellos entre 70 y 80 ya las habíamos visto antes, y sus posturas eran irreconciliables. Menos mal que Ian cambió el tercio, -ya empezaban los problemas en el seno del grupo- dijo . - A Halford le parecía que debían evolucionar con las tendencias del momento y tirar hacia un trash metal más potente- , me parecía lógico dado el éxito de bandas como Metallica, Antrhax, Slayer, los brasileños Sepultura, Pantera etc, El resto de miembros del grupo eran más continuistas. Les había ido bien, ¿por qué cambiar?
-the best album of this band is 1990´s Painkiller - Carlos said, pulling me these thoughts. - I think not this way- Rafa said, - Almost any of the 70 is better. This controversy within them between 70 and 80 we had seen it before, and their positions were irreconcilable. Luckily Ian changed the topic:-and began the problems within the group- said. - Halford seemed to be evolving with current trends and pull toward a more powerful-trash metal, it seemed logical given the success of bands like Metallica, Antrhax, Slayer, Sepultura, Pantera etc. The other members of the group were more conservatives. It had gone well, why change?
- Pues por lo visto en Painkiller, Rob Halford se salió con la suya, porque es super contundente- Dijo Carlos. - Pues sí- contestó Ian- por eso tuvo gran éxito de ventas- Iba a la moda del momento.- Y Rafa apostilló.- Quizá sea una característica de Judas, dejan que las modas les influyan lo justo para que por una parte parezcan modernos y por otra, mantengan su esencia-. Ante el acuerdo generalizado seguimos analizando el disco:
- Well, apparently in Painkiller, Rob Halford went away with it, because it is super powerful- Carlos said. - Well- said Ian itself- so it was very successful sales- it was going to fashion time.- And Rafa said.- It may be a feature of Judas, let fashions influence them enough so that, in one side it looks modern, and in the other side, they keep maintaining its essence. Given the widespread agreement we analyze the disk:
- Well, apparently in Painkiller, Rob Halford went away with it, because it is super powerful- Carlos said. - Well- said Ian itself- so it was very successful sales- it was going to fashion time.- And Rafa said.- It may be a feature of Judas, let fashions influence them enough so that, in one side it looks modern, and in the other side, they keep maintaining its essence. Given the widespread agreement we analyze the disk:
- El mejor tema para mí es el propio Painkiller.-añadí- Gran trabajo del nuevo batería, en la senda del trash, la voz de Halford exprimida al máximo y las dos guitarras, con la ventaja de que pueden ser solistas las dos, de gran calidad.- No olvides Hell Patrol y Night Crawler- dijo Carlos,- Me gustan bastante-
- The best song for me is self-Painkiller. I added- great job of the new battery in the path of trash, Halford's voice to its fullest and two guitars, with the advantage that they can be both soloists of great quality.- Please don´t forget "Hell Patrol" and "Night Crawler"- Carlos said, - I like enough-
- The best song for me is self-Painkiller. I added- great job of the new battery in the path of trash, Halford's voice to its fullest and two guitars, with the advantage that they can be both soloists of great quality.- Please don´t forget "Hell Patrol" and "Night Crawler"- Carlos said, - I like enough-
Y yo por supuesto no los olvido :
And of course not forgetting:
A partir de ahí, empezamos a hablar de asuntos como la salida de la banda de Halford, que se embarcó en proyectos personales como Fight, etc, También de los discos no excesivamente exitosos que, tras unos años de parón, Judas sacó con el nuevo vocalista Tim Owens, Jugulator y Demolition. En la mesa se criticó duramente al nuevo cantante, sobretodo por parte de Ian (después de todo Halford era su paisano). Yo no creo que el poco éxito fuera achacable a Owens. Tenía una papeleta difícil y la solventó más que dignamente.
From there, we start talking about issues such the leaving of Halford, who embarked on personal projects like Fight, etc, not overly successful albums that, after years of hiatus, Judas took with new vocalist Tim Owens, Jugulator and Demolition. On the table was harshly criticized the new singer, especially by Ian (after all Halford was his countryman). I do not think the issue was attributable to Owens. He had a difficult rol to play and solved it more than dignity.
From there, we start talking about issues such the leaving of Halford, who embarked on personal projects like Fight, etc, not overly successful albums that, after years of hiatus, Judas took with new vocalist Tim Owens, Jugulator and Demolition. On the table was harshly criticized the new singer, especially by Ian (after all Halford was his countryman). I do not think the issue was attributable to Owens. He had a difficult rol to play and solved it more than dignity.
- Menos mal que después volvió Halford- dijó Ian centrado en la cuestión del cantante. Estando de acuerdo con él, no pude por menos que recordarle la salida tan elegante que tuvo el americano, basándome en una entrevista que por aquellos ya lejanos días leí en la que afirmó que estar con los Priest había sido un sueño hecho realidad y que hasta él, como fanático del grupo, veía bien que se unieran de nuevo con Rob. De esa reunión salió "Angel of Retribution" en 2005. Buenas ventas y buenas críticas. A mí no me parece maravilloso, aunque en mi caso, como en el de Rafa, en el caso de Judas Priest, me quedo con la época de los 70 y quizá hasta Turbo de los 80. Aún así, siempre hay temas destacables:
- Good thing that Halford returned- said Ian focused on the question of the singer. Agreeing with him, I had to remind as graceful exit that had the American, based on an interview by those already distant days I read, in which, he claimed that to be with the Priest was a dream come true and up he, as a fan of the group, looked good to join again with Rob. From that meeting came "Angel of Retribution" in 2005. Good sales and good reviews. I do not think it's wonderful, but in my case, as in Rafa, in the case of Judas Priest, I prefer the age of 70 and maybe even 80's. Even thow Turbo, there is always outstanding issues:
- Good thing that Halford returned- said Ian focused on the question of the singer. Agreeing with him, I had to remind as graceful exit that had the American, based on an interview by those already distant days I read, in which, he claimed that to be with the Priest was a dream come true and up he, as a fan of the group, looked good to join again with Rob. From that meeting came "Angel of Retribution" in 2005. Good sales and good reviews. I do not think it's wonderful, but in my case, as in Rafa, in the case of Judas Priest, I prefer the age of 70 and maybe even 80's. Even thow Turbo, there is always outstanding issues:
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JudasPriest in Sweden From WikimediaCommons Author: Appelmos |
En el propio tema "Prophecy" que recomiendo, fijaos en el ritmo que imprimen las guitarras "arrastradas" y el solo primero rasgado de una con acompañamiento de otra para fusionarse finalmente en un único final melódico. Muy bueno.
For me, the conceptual Nostradamus lp is much better. More elaborate and deep, absorbing new trends such as the Nordic group of great success in recent years, while retaining the essence of the powerful trashs guitars and its main asset, Halford's voice. Also I like these albums where the theme is unique, song after song, in this case the life of prophet Michel de Notredame, Nostradamus, physician, astrologer and mathematician of the sixteenth century.
On the subject itself "Prophecy" I recommend, look at the guitars rhythm, "pulled"guitars and a just tearing solo and finally two guitars merged into a single melodic end. Very good.
For me, the conceptual Nostradamus lp is much better. More elaborate and deep, absorbing new trends such as the Nordic group of great success in recent years, while retaining the essence of the powerful trashs guitars and its main asset, Halford's voice. Also I like these albums where the theme is unique, song after song, in this case the life of prophet Michel de Notredame, Nostradamus, physician, astrologer and mathematician of the sixteenth century.
On the subject itself "Prophecy" I recommend, look at the guitars rhythm, "pulled"guitars and a just tearing solo and finally two guitars merged into a single melodic end. Very good.
También salieron a colación, "Future of Mankind" y la homónima "Nostradamus"
They also left it up, "Future of Mankind" and the eponymous "Nostradamus"
JudasPriest.- Future of Mankind
JudasPriest.- Nostradamus
They also left it up, "Future of Mankind" and the eponymous "Nostradamus"
JudasPriest.- Future of Mankind
JudasPriest.- Nostradamus
Y aquí nos percatamos de no haber destacado anteriormente "Dissident Agressor" de 1977, tema por que les dieron el grammy en 2010, por la interpretación en vivo incluida en "A Touch of Evil: Live". Aquí incluimos la versión en vivo moderna pero recomiendo la clásica:
And here we notice unless it has already highlighted "Dissident Aggressor", 1977, song awarded by the grammy in 2010, live performance´s metal award in "A Touch of Evil:Live". Here we include the version in modern living but I recommend the classic:
And here we notice unless it has already highlighted "Dissident Aggressor", 1977, song awarded by the grammy in 2010, live performance´s metal award in "A Touch of Evil:Live". Here we include the version in modern living but I recommend the classic:
Ya en 2014, "Redeemer of Souls". Buenas críticas. Continuista con el sonido anterior a Nostradamus, menos oscuro que éste. Punto álgido "Dragonaut" con gran calidad como siempre de Halford, menos potente que antes en los agudos pero con gran cantidad de matices en los graves. Parte central de guitarras portentosas, a pesar de la ausencia de Downing, con cambios de ritmo de batería muy reseñables.
Already in 2014, "Redeemer of Souls". Good result. Continuity with the sound before Nostradamus, less dark than this. Peak "Dragonaut" with great quality as always Halford, less powerful than before in acute but with lots of nuances in the bass. Central part of portentous guitars, despite the absence of Downing, with rhythm changes very notable battery.
Already in 2014, "Redeemer of Souls". Good result. Continuity with the sound before Nostradamus, less dark than this. Peak "Dragonaut" with great quality as always Halford, less powerful than before in acute but with lots of nuances in the bass. Central part of portentous guitars, despite the absence of Downing, with rhythm changes very notable battery.
- Han logrado un equilibrio bueno entre las dos guitarras-dijo Rafa.-No parecía fácil tras la salida de Downing- siguió.
- Es que Richard Faulkner es muy bueno, también.- dijo Carlos, -Además aporta frescura, y sabe aceptar un cierto rol subordinado a Tipton- El resultado es verdad que es muy equilibrado. Por eso resaltaría también "Cold Blooded" y "Hell&Back".
- They have achieved a good balance between the two guitars said Rafa.-not seem easy after departure from Downing continued.
- Is that Richard Faulkner is very good, también.- Carlos said, Besides brings freshness and able to accept a subordinate role to Tipton- The result is true that it is very balanced. Why would also highlight "Cold Blooded" and "Hell & Back".
There they go..
JudasPriest.- Cold Blooded
JudasPriest.- Hell-Back
Y hasta a aquí con Judas..¿cuánto durarán?. No lo sabemos. Aún así nos quedará su legado de 40 años de buen rock. Heavy Metal con mayúsculas.
And up to here with Judas..¿How much will they last ?. We do not know. Their legacy of 40 years of good rock will remain. Heavy Metal capitalized.
Como siempre el listado completo para escuchar seguido:
As always the full list for listening:
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