"Ácida y tierna, dura como el acero y delicada y fina como el ala de una mariposa. Adorable como una bella y profunda sonrisa y cruel como la amargura de la vida".
Diego Rivera sobre Frida Kahlo
Acid and tender, hard as steel and delicate and fine as a butterfly's wing. Adorable as a beautiful smile and deep and cruel as the bitterness of life. "
Diego Rivera describing Frida Kahlo
Acid and tender, hard as steel and delicate and fine as a butterfly's wing. Adorable as a beautiful smile and deep and cruel as the bitterness of life. "
Diego Rivera describing Frida Kahlo
¿Es esto verdadero amor?. Seguro, pero quizá más que de amor verdadero se debería hablar de amor extremo, de ese amor que confluye con el dolor, de ese amor que sólo puede darse en relaciones tormentosas, relaciones como la que mantuvieron estos dos geniales pintores mexicanos, afines como un elefante y una paloma, por similitud con sus físicos.
Does this sentence describes the true love?. Sure, but perhaps more than true love we should speak about extreme love, that love that joins the pain and the love, a love that can only emerge in stormy relationships, relationships like that was kept by these two great Mexican painters, related them like an elephant and a dove, for their physical similarity.
Durante su matrimonio tuvieron numerosas infidelidades. Diego le fue infiel hasta con su hermana según se dice. Frida tuvo amantes de ambos sexos, y fiel a su lema de que no había nada más triste que una cama vacía, ni el mismísimo Trotsky se le resistió.
During their marriage they had numerous infidelities. Diego had a lot of lovers, including Frida´s sister, as people said. Frida had lovers of both genres. There´s nothing sadder than an empty bed, she used to say. Trotsky can´t resist her atraction either.
During their marriage they had numerous infidelities. Diego had a lot of lovers, including Frida´s sister, as people said. Frida had lovers of both genres. There´s nothing sadder than an empty bed, she used to say. Trotsky can´t resist her atraction either.
Frida siempre me fascinó. Es de esos personajes cuya genialidad no es entendible sin los infortunios de su vida. Una existencia terrenal desgraciada es el precio que hubo de pagar para obtener la inmortalidad, ya que su arte fue fruto directo de la manera como encaró sus conflictos exteriores e interiores. La vida la castigó al máximo y el fruto es su obra.
Frida always fascinated me. She is one of those characters whose genius is not understandable without the misfortunes of her life. A miserable earthly existence is the Price she had to pay for immortality, because her art was a direct result of the way she faced her external and internal conflicts. The life squeezed her to the máximum and the result was her work.
Frida always fascinated me. She is one of those characters whose genius is not understandable without the misfortunes of her life. A miserable earthly existence is the Price she had to pay for immortality, because her art was a direct result of the way she faced her external and internal conflicts. The life squeezed her to the máximum and the result was her work.
Os invito modestamente a que os sumerjáis en sus interesantes vidas. Mientras lo hacéis podéis escuchar los temas que a continuación propongo:
I invite you to dive into their interesting lives. While you do, maybe you can hear the following rock songs I propose:
I invite you to dive into their interesting lives. While you do, maybe you can hear the following rock songs I propose:
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