“Hagas lo que hagas ámalo, como amabas la cabina del Paradiso cuando eras niño.” (Cinema Paradiso, 1988)
“Whatever you do, love it, as you loved the cabin of the Paradiso when you were a child.” (Movie Cinema Paradiso, 1988)
Y allí estaba yo, en el cementerio de Las Rozas, en Madrid visitando la tumba del viejo Samuel. Es una cosa que solía hacer antes de vez en cuando, ver las tumbas de personajes que aunque no tienen que ver nada conmigo, si me han resultado curiosas sus vidas. Los cementerios tienen muchos tabúes pero son unos sitios muy interesantes. Quitan el estrés de la vida diaria y hacen relativizar al máximo los problemas. Además, te recuerdan que por muy grande o pequeña persona que hayas sido siempre acabarás de igual modo. Fue una experiencia en su día visitar la tumba de Jim Morrison, Oscar Wilde o Edith Piaf en París, mitos a quienes el destino, como queriendo agrupar a seres de almas inmortales de vidas tortuosas, reservó últimas moradas contiguas en ese cementerio de Pere Lachaise.
And there I was in the cemetery of Las Rozas in Madrid by visiting the tomb of the old Samuel. It is one thing that I used to do every once in a while, see the tombs of characters that although have nothing to do with me, if I have been curious their lives. The cemeteries have many taboos but are sites very interesting. They removed the stress of everyday life and make relative to the maximum the problems. In addition, remind us that no matter how large or small person you have always been you'll end up in the same way. It was an experience in its day to visit the grave of Jim Morrison, Oscar Wilde or Edith Piaf in Paris, myths to whom fate, as if wanting to group beings of souls immortal and tortuous lifes, reserved latest nearest places in the cemetery of Pere Lachaise.
And there I was in the cemetery of Las Rozas in Madrid by visiting the tomb of the old Samuel. It is one thing that I used to do every once in a while, see the tombs of characters that although have nothing to do with me, if I have been curious their lives. The cemeteries have many taboos but are sites very interesting. They removed the stress of everyday life and make relative to the maximum the problems. In addition, remind us that no matter how large or small person you have always been you'll end up in the same way. It was an experience in its day to visit the grave of Jim Morrison, Oscar Wilde or Edith Piaf in Paris, myths to whom fate, as if wanting to group beings of souls immortal and tortuous lifes, reserved latest nearest places in the cemetery of Pere Lachaise.
Pero volvamos a Samuel. Este hombre fue un judío ruso, nacionalizado estadounidense, al que siempre atrajo el mundo del cine. Se casó con la hija del dueño de uno y acabó trabajando para la Metro Goldwyn Mayer en París. Conoció a la viuda de Jack London y se hizo con los derechos de sus obras. Se presentó con el nombre de Samuel Bronston en la meca del cine y como productor independiente, consiguió hacer varias películas con las que obtuvo éxito y fortuna. Pero quería más, y puso sus ojos en España.
But let's go back to Samuel. This man was a Russian Jewish, naturalized American, which always was attracted by the world of cinema. He married the daughter of the owner of one and ended up working for Metro Goldwyn Mayer in Paris. He met the widow of Jack London and get the rights of their works. Was presented with the name of Samuel Bronston in the mecca of film and as an independent producer, he managed to make several films with that obtained success and fortune. But he wanted more, and put him eyes in Spain.
But let's go back to Samuel. This man was a Russian Jewish, naturalized American, which always was attracted by the world of cinema. He married the daughter of the owner of one and ended up working for Metro Goldwyn Mayer in Paris. He met the widow of Jack London and get the rights of their works. Was presented with the name of Samuel Bronston in the mecca of film and as an independent producer, he managed to make several films with that obtained success and fortune. But he wanted more, and put him eyes in Spain.
Era el país ideal para producir, muchas horas de luz de calidad, variedad paisajística sin necesidad de grandes desplazamientos, sueldos bajos e imposibilidad de huelgas, predisposición de las autoridades para dar permisos, ya sea para secar el estanque del Retiro como para hundir un barco en el puerto de Barcelona, para usar miembros del ejército etc y además lo fundamental: había dinero. Provenía de empresas americanas que habían comenzado a invertir con la mejora de relaciones entre España y EEUU. Invertían pero no se podían sacar los dólares de España por las políticas monetarias del momento. La mejor manera de sacar el dinero era en forma de películas que se proyectaran con beneficios en el exterior. Todos se veían beneficiados, y el pueblo español también.
It was the ideal country to produce, many hours of daylight quality, varied landscape without large displacements, low wages and impossibility of strikes, willingness of the authorities to give permission, whether for sinking a ship in the port of Barcelona, to use the military.. and also the main thing: there was money. He came from American companies that had begun to invest in the improvement of relations between Spain and the United States. They invested but could not throw the dollars of Spain by the monetary policies of the time. The best way to get the money was in the form of films that with benefits abroad. All were beneficiaries, and the Spanish people were also.
It was the ideal country to produce, many hours of daylight quality, varied landscape without large displacements, low wages and impossibility of strikes, willingness of the authorities to give permission, whether for sinking a ship in the port of Barcelona, to use the military.. and also the main thing: there was money. He came from American companies that had begun to invest in the improvement of relations between Spain and the United States. They invested but could not throw the dollars of Spain by the monetary policies of the time. The best way to get the money was in the form of films that with benefits abroad. All were beneficiaries, and the Spanish people were also.
Samuel amaba el cine a lo grande. Llegaron así superproducciones como Rey de Reyes, con nuestra belleza Carmen Sevilla aprendiéndose sus frases en inglés de carrerilla y enamorando a los galanes americanos. La caída del Imperio Romano, con decorados inmensos, 55 días en Pekín, ambientando China en los alrededores de Madrid y sobretodo El Cid, con Charlton Heston, el actor más cotizado; y Sofía Loren, de belleza tan apabullante que consiguió que se admitiera su negativa a envejecer en la película al ritmo de la historia siendo por ello duramente criticada. Lo que no sabían esos críticos era que la diva italiana se iba a vengar negándose a envejecer también en la vida real. La próxima vez que veáis esas películas, sabed que el sol que las ilumina no es el de Roma, China o Jerusalén. Es el de Madrid, Alicante, Cuenca o Valencia. Y que gracias a esas películas se pudo constatar en el desaparecido local Oliver, o en Chicote, o en la Plaza de Las Ventas, como Ava Gardner, Sofía Loren, John Wayne, Charlton Heston o Frank Sinatra eran seres reales que hasta chapurreaban español tras la segunda copa.
Samuel loved the big films. Arrived well blockbusters as King of Kings, with our beauty Carmen Sevilla learned without comprehension their phrases in english and driving crazy the americans gallants. The Fall of the Roman Empire, with decorated immense, 55 days at Peking, set China on the outskirts of Madrid and, above all, El Cid, with Charlton Heston, the actor most quoted; and Sofia Loren, of beauty so staggering that achieved admit its refusal to aging in the movie to the pace of the story therefore still harshly criticized. What those critics didn't realice were that the italian diva was going to avenge refusing to grow old in real life too. The next time that you watch these movies, you know that the sun that lights up is not that of Rome, China or Jerusalem. It is Madrid, Alicante, Cuenca or Valencia. And thanks to these movies we were able to see in the now closed pub Oliver, or in Chicote, or in the Plaza de Las Ventas, such as Ava Gardner, Sophia Loren, John Wayne, Charlton Heston or Frank Sinatra were real human beings that spoke spanish after the second drink.
Samuel loved the big films. Arrived well blockbusters as King of Kings, with our beauty Carmen Sevilla learned without comprehension their phrases in english and driving crazy the americans gallants. The Fall of the Roman Empire, with decorated immense, 55 days at Peking, set China on the outskirts of Madrid and, above all, El Cid, with Charlton Heston, the actor most quoted; and Sofia Loren, of beauty so staggering that achieved admit its refusal to aging in the movie to the pace of the story therefore still harshly criticized. What those critics didn't realice were that the italian diva was going to avenge refusing to grow old in real life too. The next time that you watch these movies, you know that the sun that lights up is not that of Rome, China or Jerusalem. It is Madrid, Alicante, Cuenca or Valencia. And thanks to these movies we were able to see in the now closed pub Oliver, or in Chicote, or in the Plaza de Las Ventas, such as Ava Gardner, Sophia Loren, John Wayne, Charlton Heston or Frank Sinatra were real human beings that spoke spanish after the second drink.
Samuel siempre estuvo agradecido a España. Dijo que era su casa y de hecho sus cenizas están aquí. Sirva esta narración como pequeño homenaje. Algo de música como siempre:
Samuel was always grateful to Spain. He said that it was his house and in fact his ashes are here. Serve this narrative as a small tribute. Some music as always:
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