The one that is used to traveling, knows that it is always necessary to set off some day.
Paulo Coelho
Ramón salió a la cubierta de primera clase. A pesar del frío le parecía increíble la vista de la inmensidad del Atlántico de la que se disfrutaba ahí. Ya quedaba poco para llegar a Nueva York y no quería perderse nada de todo lo que el viaje le ofrecía. Tenía 71 años, consideraba que ya había hecho todo en la vida y sólo quería dedicarse a disfrutar. El viaje que había diseñado no estaba mal. Había estado recorriendo Francia y después Alemania. Había vuelto a Paris para embarcarse a EEUU y al llegar allí, su idea era atravesar ese inmenso país y después bajar de vuelta a su Uruguay natal.
Ramon came to the first class deck. Despite the cold, it seemed incredible to him the view of the vastness of the Atlantic which was enjoyed better there. They were already near to New York and he didn't want to miss anything of all that the trip offered. He was 71 years old, he considered that it had already done everything in life and he just wanted to enjoy life. The trip he had designed was not bad. He had been traveling through France and Germany. He returned to Paris to travel United States and arriving there, his idea was to cross this huge country and then get back to his native Uruguay.
Ramon came to the first class deck. Despite the cold, it seemed incredible to him the view of the vastness of the Atlantic which was enjoyed better there. They were already near to New York and he didn't want to miss anything of all that the trip offered. He was 71 years old, he considered that it had already done everything in life and he just wanted to enjoy life. The trip he had designed was not bad. He had been traveling through France and Germany. He returned to Paris to travel United States and arriving there, his idea was to cross this huge country and then get back to his native Uruguay.
Una pareja de jóvenes ruidosos turbó su paz, pero no le importó porque le recordaban a él hacía 40 años. Ya habían hablado en el trasbordador que les había llevado al barco en Cherburgo. Eran Pepita y Víctor, españoles que disfrutaban de su luna de miel con un viaje diseñado que ya lo querrían muchos. Más de un año de duración que les había llevado a recorrer Europa hasta sus confines con trayecto en el Orient Express incluido, noches lúdicas en Montecarlo, recorridos por Italia, por Francia...; lo curioso del caso es que la única condición que les habían puesto sus adineradas familias y más concretamente Doña Pura, la madre de Víctor. era que no se embarcasen. Por eso cuando sobre la marcha decidieron ir en barco a Nueva York, tras ver una publicidad del viaje en un restaurante, dejaron a un criado en París con cartas escritas por ellos describiendo lo maravilloso de esa ciudad con el encargo de echarlas al correo cada 15 días y se dispusieron a embarcar pese a las protestas de Fermina, la vieja doncella de quién se hicieron acompañar.
A couple of noisy young people disturbed their peace, but he did not care because reminded himself 40 years ago. They had already spoken on the ferry that had led them to the ship at Cherbourg. Pepita and Victor, spaniards who enjoyed honeymoon with a great designed journey. More than one year's duration which had led them to tour Europe to its ends with journey on the Orient Express included, fun nights in Monte Carlo, tours of Italy, France too...; the curious thing about the case is that the only condition that their wealthy families and more specifically Doña Pura, Victor´s mother, had placed them is not to travel in a ship. So when they decided to go by boat to New York, after seeing an advertisement for the trip at a restaurant, they left a servant in Paris with letters written by them describing how wonderful of that city with the task to mail their family every 15 days and they got ready to board despite the protests of Fermina, old maiden who went with them.
A couple of noisy young people disturbed their peace, but he did not care because reminded himself 40 years ago. They had already spoken on the ferry that had led them to the ship at Cherbourg. Pepita and Victor, spaniards who enjoyed honeymoon with a great designed journey. More than one year's duration which had led them to tour Europe to its ends with journey on the Orient Express included, fun nights in Monte Carlo, tours of Italy, France too...; the curious thing about the case is that the only condition that their wealthy families and more specifically Doña Pura, Victor´s mother, had placed them is not to travel in a ship. So when they decided to go by boat to New York, after seeing an advertisement for the trip at a restaurant, they left a servant in Paris with letters written by them describing how wonderful of that city with the task to mail their family every 15 days and they got ready to board despite the protests of Fermina, old maiden who went with them.
A Ramón le gustaba hablar con Fermina. Caracteres parecidos pero vidas distintas que contarse. Lo que si tenían en común uno y otro era su miedo a los barcos aunque los motivos para ello eran diferentes. Fermina, madrileña de la calle Regueros, tenía miedo porque nunca había embarcado y la inmensidad de aquel océano la aterraba. Además le afectaba aquel mal presentimiento que con ese viaje había tenido Doña Pura. En el caso de Ramón, que había navegado mucho, sus miedos venían porque había sufrido un naufragio en su juventud en el Río de la Plata y todavía tenía pesadillas con ello.
En este caso, in embargo no había nada que temer, se decían a si mismos. Estaban en el mejor barco, el más moderno, el más lujoso, el más grande. Estaban a bordo del insumergible Titanic.
Ramon liked talking to Fermina. Similar characters but different lives to be told. With her he had in common him fear of boats although the reasons for their fears were different. Fermina, came from Regueros Street in Madrid, was afraid because she had never embarked and terrified her the immensity of the sea. The bad feeling that this trip produced to Doña Pura also affected her. In the case of Ramon, who had sailed so much, him fear came because he had already suffered a shipwreck in his youth in the Río de la Plata and still he had nightmares about it.
In this case however there was nothing to fear, they said to thmeselves. They were in the best boat, the most modern, the most luxurious, the largest. They were aboard the unsinkable Titanic.
En este caso, in embargo no había nada que temer, se decían a si mismos. Estaban en el mejor barco, el más moderno, el más lujoso, el más grande. Estaban a bordo del insumergible Titanic.
Ramon liked talking to Fermina. Similar characters but different lives to be told. With her he had in common him fear of boats although the reasons for their fears were different. Fermina, came from Regueros Street in Madrid, was afraid because she had never embarked and terrified her the immensity of the sea. The bad feeling that this trip produced to Doña Pura also affected her. In the case of Ramon, who had sailed so much, him fear came because he had already suffered a shipwreck in his youth in the Río de la Plata and still he had nightmares about it.
In this case however there was nothing to fear, they said to thmeselves. They were in the best boat, the most modern, the most luxurious, the largest. They were aboard the unsinkable Titanic.
Cuando como todo el mundo sabe el barco se hundió, Fermina y Pepita se salvaron porque pudieron subirse a los botes salvavidas. Víctor y Ramón renunciaron pese a tener derecho por ir en primera clase. Víctor, tras desearle a su esposa que fuera muy feliz antes de ayudarle a subir al bote, se perdió entre el gentío y no se volvió a saber de él, hasta que su cuerpo sin vida fue encontrado. En el caso de Ramón de su lucha si se tuvo constancia. Aguantó hasta al final en la cubierta, ayudando a todo el que podía según testimonios de testigos presenciales, y en el último momento, cuando ya solo quedaba la orquesta, se lanzó al agua sobre una balsa improvisada con hamacas de la cubierta para evitar en la medida de lo posible el contacto con las gélidas aguas. Resistió casi tres horas, llegando a ver incluso al Carpatia acercarse, pero su vida, como su reloj se pararon a pocos minutos de las 5 de la mañana sin llegar a ser rescatado. Sirva este relato como modesto homenaje a este hombre y a otros que perecieron ayudando a los demás.
When as everybody knows the boat sank, Fermina and Pepita were saved because they were able to get into the lifeboats. Victor and Ramon refused despite they have right for being passengers of first class. Victor, after wish his wife a good life before help her to get on the boat, was lost in the crowd and nobody knows about him until him body was found. In the case of Ramon there are eyewitness of him struggle. He remains until the end on the deck, helping everybody, and at the last moment, he was launched to the water on a hammock to avoid the possible contact with the icy waters. He resisted almost three hours and get to see even the Carpathia coming closer, but his life, like his clock stopped few minutes to 5 without being rescued. Serve this story as a modest tribute to this men and others who died helping others.
When as everybody knows the boat sank, Fermina and Pepita were saved because they were able to get into the lifeboats. Victor and Ramon refused despite they have right for being passengers of first class. Victor, after wish his wife a good life before help her to get on the boat, was lost in the crowd and nobody knows about him until him body was found. In the case of Ramon there are eyewitness of him struggle. He remains until the end on the deck, helping everybody, and at the last moment, he was launched to the water on a hammock to avoid the possible contact with the icy waters. He resisted almost three hours and get to see even the Carpathia coming closer, but his life, like his clock stopped few minutes to 5 without being rescued. Serve this story as a modest tribute to this men and others who died helping others.
Muy triste fue también cuando desde Halifax llamaron a Doña Pura para darle la terrible noticia de la pérdida de su hijo. Ella no se lo podía creer porque su hijo estaba en París y de hecho acababa de recibir una carta suya. Quedaría devastada ante la cruel realidad. Y es que la vida es un viaje que nunca se sabe cuando va a terminar y hay veces, como en esta ocasión, que termina con un viaje.
Very sad it was also when from Halifax called Doña Pura to give the terrible news. She couldn't believe it because his son was in Paris and in fact she had just received a letter. She was devastated by the cruel reality. Life is a journey that you never know when it will end and sometimes it ends with a trip.
Very sad it was also when from Halifax called Doña Pura to give the terrible news. She couldn't believe it because his son was in Paris and in fact she had just received a letter. She was devastated by the cruel reality. Life is a journey that you never know when it will end and sometimes it ends with a trip.
Bonita y triste historia. De hecho a mi me gusta más que la de amor inventada de la película de Cameron. Profundizad en ella. Encontraréis en internet libros, artículos en prensa, etc. Yo en concreto recomiendo un podcast en la sección Documentos RNE conmemorativo del centenario del naufragio.
Beautiful and sad story. In fact I like it more than the invented Cameron´s film. Dig in it. You will find online books, articles in newspapers, etc. I specifically recommend a podcast in the section documents RNE Memorial of the 100th anniversary of the wreck.
Os dejo con algo de música como siempre:
I leave you with some music as always:
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