BACK TO ´69 (II)
Y llegó de nuevo Rossi, tras la conversación telefónica, y abriendo un par de Budweiser comenzó a contarme su historia:
And then Rossi came back, after the telephone conversation, and opening a couple of Budweiser began to tell his story:
- Fue en un autocine en New Jersey donde ví Easy Rider. Yo acababa de regresar de Vietnam, y si bien de las heridas sólo me quedaban algunas secuelas, psicológicamente me hallaba destruido, como le ocurría a mucha de la gente que fue allí. La película, sin embargo me sirvió de mucho. Los personajes de esa película intentan vivir un sueño de libertad que no es aceptado por la sociedad, son libres, han nacido para ser libres y eso provoca rechazo a la sociedad en general básicamente por miedo a romper sus ataduras.
- It was at a drive-in cinema in New Jersey where I saw Easy Rider. I had just returned from Vietnam, and while the wounds I had only some sequels, I was psychologically destroyed, as happened to many of the people who was there. The film, however served me well. The characters of this film try to live a dream of freedom that is not accepted by society, they are free, they are born to be free and that causes rejection of society in general mainly for fear of breaking the tying.
- It was at a drive-in cinema in New Jersey where I saw Easy Rider. I had just returned from Vietnam, and while the wounds I had only some sequels, I was psychologically destroyed, as happened to many of the people who was there. The film, however served me well. The characters of this film try to live a dream of freedom that is not accepted by society, they are free, they are born to be free and that causes rejection of society in general mainly for fear of breaking the tying.
-Tras el diálogo en la película entre Jack Nicholson y Dennis Hopper que expresa todo esto, decidí a mis 24 años, que quería que mi vida fuera así. Que tuviera un sentido ya que había conseguido sobrevivir a la guerra. Posteriormente la propia vida, como a todos, me puso en mi sitio, pero no me arrepiento de ninguna de aquellas decisiones que tomé.
-After The dialogue in the film between Jack Nicholson and Dennis Hopper expressing all this, I decided, i was 24 years old, that I wanted my life to be like that. I wanted my life had a sense after I had managed to survive the war. Some years later life, like everyone, put me in my place, but I do not regret any of those decisions I made.
-After The dialogue in the film between Jack Nicholson and Dennis Hopper expressing all this, I decided, i was 24 years old, that I wanted my life to be like that. I wanted my life had a sense after I had managed to survive the war. Some years later life, like everyone, put me in my place, but I do not regret any of those decisions I made.
Easy Rider.- Diálogo sobre la libertad Nicholson-Hopper
(Rossi remarked the main theme of the film: "Born to be Wild" by Steppenwolf, a Canadian group that takes its name from the book by Hermann Hesse in which curiously is based on the story of an a asocial character as in the film we were talked to, a man who wants to be a wolf of the steppe a lone man. I also add a more powerful version of "Krokus" -the ACDC from Switzerland)
Steppenwolf.- Born to be Wild
Krokus.- Born to be Wild
Rossi continuó:
Rossi continued:
- Mientras yo andaba dándole vueltas a estos temas a raíz de la película, en Manhattan dos veinteañeros de clase alta y heredero uno de ellos de un imperio empresarial, recogían los frutos de un anuncio en prensa puesto unos meses atrás, un anuncio que decía más o menos así: "Dos jóvenes con mucho dinero pero ninguna idea, buscan proyectos de negocio en los que emplear su capital". Como uno de ellos decía, eran "dos jóvenes con más dinero que cerebro".
- While I was thinking about these issues because of the film, in Manhattan two twenty upper class men, one of them heir of a business empire, collected the fruits of an advertisement in the press published a few months ago, an ad similar to this: "Two young men with lots of money but no idea, seeking business projects to use their capital." As one of them said, were "two young men with more money than brains."
A ese anuncio respondieron, entre otros muchos, dos jóvenes de entornos totalmente diferentes, dos hippies, uno que trabajaba en una discográfica y otro que intentaba sobrevivir organizando conciertos. Tenían como proyecto montar un estudio de grabación para los talentos de la zona como Dylan o Hendrix, pero concibieron además la idea de organizar un concierto para promocionar y sacar fondos para ese estudio. La idea parecía buena. Era una época de efervescencia musical tremenda en la que surgían grupos por doquier, las bandas sacaban hasta tres discos por año... en fin el negocio parecía bien pensado.
this ad was responded, among many others, by two young men from completely different environments, two hippies, one of them worker of a record company and another trying to survive by organizing concerts. They had as Project, to set up a recording studio for the talents of the area as Dylan or Hendrix, but they also conceived the idea of organizing a concert to promote and raise funds for the study. The idea seemed good. It was a time of tremendous musical effervescence with emerging groups everywhere, some of the bands with three albums a year ... well the business seemed well thought out.
Para llevar a cabo todo aquello montaron entre los cuatro una empresa llamada Woodstock Ventures Inc. Así nació el concierto de Woodstock, que si bien pasó así a la posteridad, en realidad se celebró en Bethel en el condado de Sullivan en NY. Sus cálculos más optimistas decían que podían conseguir que vinieran 10.000 personas. Casi 500.000 acudieron al evento. Entre ellos dos amigos y yo.-
To accomplish all, they created a company called Woodstock Ventures Inc. Thus, the Woodstock concert was born, which went well although posterity, actually held in Bethel (Sullivan County-NY). His most optimistic estimates say they could get 10,000 people to come. Nearly 500,000 attended the event. Including two friends and me.-
Tras coger nuevas cervezas, prosiguió:
After taking new beers, he continued:
- Empezó nublado aquel 15 de agosto de 1969. Salimos temprano en el Chevrolet Camaro de Lou. Recogimos a Artie y camino al concierto íbamos ya escuchando y cantando a nuestras bandas favoritas de entonces, la Creedence con su "Fortunate Son", y un grupo nuevo inglés que a Lou le gustaba mucho. Lo formaban dos antiguos miembros de los Yardbirds. Se hacían llamar Led Zeppelin, porque alguien (según la leyenda un miembro de The Who) le había dicho a su guitarrista, Jimmy Page, que iban a estrellarse como un Zeppelin de plomo (como un Led Zeppelin tal y como se pronunciaría en inglés). El nombre gustó a todos y se quedó así. Bueno no gustó a todos. Dice la leyenda que una de las descendientes del barón Von Zeppelin no quedó contenta de que los que describió como unos "monos chillones" usaran su nombre de familia. ¡Faltaría más!
- He started cloudy that 15 August 1969. We left early in the Lou´s new Chevrolet Camaro. We picked up Artie, who was waiting for us, and during the travel to the concert we were already listening and singing our favorite bands at the time, the Creedence with "Fortunate Son" and a new english group that Lou loved so much. Two former members of the Yardbirds was in it. They called Led Zeppelin, because someone (according to the legend, a member of The Who) had told it guitarist, Jimmy Page, that they were going to crash like a lead Zeppelin . All of them liked the name and the band was named that way. Well not everyone loves that name. Legend say that one of the descendants of Baron von Zeppelin hated the idea that some "howler monkeys", as she described the band, use her family name as a band´s name. Of course not!
Creedence Clearwater Revival.- Fortunate son
Led Zeppelin.- Babe, I´m gonna leave you
Led Zeppelin.- Dazed and Confused
-A mí me sonaban algo extraños, no se por qué, pero el caso es que en aquel coche, y camino de aquél concierto me empezaron a gustar y después a encantar. En estas estábamos cuando tras casi una hora parados, vimos como la gente dejaba los coches en la cuneta o en cualquier lado y empezaban a andar. Era imposible avanzar más. - La gente que vivía por allí miraba a la carretera con la incredulidad de quién está acostumbrado a ver más vacas que coches. ¡Yo creo que algunos tenían incluso las escopetas cargadas detrás de sus puertas no fuera a ser que los melenudos ocasionaran problemas!
It sounded rather strange to me, I don´t know why, but the fact is that in that car, and that way I began to like them and after that to love them. We were almost an hour stopped, we watched as people left the car in the ditch or elsewhere and began to walk. It was impossible to go further by car. - People who lived there looked to the road as they saw something unbelievable. It seemed that they were used to see more cows than cars in that place most of the days . I think some of them were prepared, even with loaded shotguns behind their doors, to the case of that hairy people causes problems
-Mientras caminábamos les fui contando la película de Easy Rider y les propuse que nos fuéramos al oeste juntos al finalizar el verano a lo que no me dijeron que no pero no vi entusiasmo. Íbamos algo drogados y no le di importancia, ya volvería al tema más tarde, aunque sabía que iba a ser complicado convencerles. Su vida si estaba encauzada.
While we were walking, I was telling them about the film Easy Rider and I proposed them to leave the city at the end of the summer and going to the west. They didn´t say no but I didn´t see enthusiasm in them. We were somewhat drugged and I thought I would return to the issue later, but I knew it would be difficult to convince tem . Their life was channeled. Mine not.
- Por fin llegamos a las inmediaciones del recinto siguiendo a la marea humana y vimos como la gente se colaba por alambradas rotas entre risas y gritos. Luego nos enteraríamos de que los organizadores estuvieron pagando las pérdidas del concierto hasta 1980 y no nos extrañó ya que de todos los asistentes calculo que pagarían como mucho la mitad.
- At last we arrived near the enclosure where the concert took place, following the human tide and watched as people came in through broken fences, laughing and shouting. A lot of years after, we knew that the organizers were paying concert losses until 1980. The fact did not surprise us because of all participants i think they would pay half of them as much.
-El peyote, la marihuana y LSD estaban por todas partes, haciendo que mucha gente yaciera inmóvil y otros muchos danzaran sin sentido viviendo sus propias realidades. Nosotros no íbamos tampoco muy bien, pero salvo Artie por culpa de la marihuana, todavía no habíamos perdido del todo el control. El LSD te permite unos viajes alucinantes. Duran varias horas y se llega incluso a situaciones de sinestesia en la que los sentidos se confunden, los colores suenan, los sonidos huelen . El corazón se acelera al máximo y la euforia te invade. Bajo sus efectos puedes hacer cualquier cosa, y eso es muy peligroso. Por eso no es nada recomendable.
-The Peyote, marijuana and LSD were everywhere, making many people laying motionless and many dancing senseless, living their own realities. We also were not going well, but except Artie because of marijuana, we still had not lost all control. LSD offers some amazing trips. It last several hours and it even produce synesthesia situations, in which the senses are confused, sound colors, sounds smell. The heart races to the maximum and euphoria invades you. Under the effects of that, you can do anything, and that is very dangerous. So it's not advisable at all.
-Al principio nos pusimos donde pudimos, un lugar en el que la visibilidad era casi nula pero se oía bien. Luego, ya por la noche y con Artie recuperado conseguimos ubicarnos mejor con la ayuda de un alemán que andaba por allí con dos o tres chicas amigas suyas a las que intentamos también hacer amigas nuestras, cosa que a pesar del LSD y la paciencia no sucedió. ¡El amor libre no era para nosotros tan libre después de todo!.
At first we got where we could, a place where the visibility was almost nil but sounded good. Then, at night when Artie was recovered, we had got better position with the help of a German and two or three friends of him, girls to which we also try to be friends of them, but despite the LSD and patience,it did not happen .Free love was not for us so free after all !.
-Fue un auténtico placer ver bajo la lluvia a Joan Baez embarazada y escuchar como, con su deliciosa voz, contaba que a su marido se lo había llevado la policía aprovechando el revuelo mediático causado por la llegada del hombre a la luna unos días antes y lo habían metido en una prisión federal. Su delito, negarse a ser alistado para ir a la guerra. A su lado salió Jeffrey Shurtleff y juntos dedicaron sarcásticamente la primera canción al gobernador de California, Mr. Ronald Reagan -
It was a real pleasure to see, under the rain, and listen to pregnant Joan Baez with her delightful voice. She told how the police, taking advantage of the media phenomenon of the arrival to the moon a few days before, had put her husband in federal prison. His crime, refusing to be enlisted to go to war. Beside he came together Jeffrey Shurtleff and theysarcastically dedicated the first song to the governor of California, Mr. Ronald Reagan -
Rossi continued:

- While I was thinking about these issues because of the film, in Manhattan two twenty upper class men, one of them heir of a business empire, collected the fruits of an advertisement in the press published a few months ago, an ad similar to this: "Two young men with lots of money but no idea, seeking business projects to use their capital." As one of them said, were "two young men with more money than brains."
A ese anuncio respondieron, entre otros muchos, dos jóvenes de entornos totalmente diferentes, dos hippies, uno que trabajaba en una discográfica y otro que intentaba sobrevivir organizando conciertos. Tenían como proyecto montar un estudio de grabación para los talentos de la zona como Dylan o Hendrix, pero concibieron además la idea de organizar un concierto para promocionar y sacar fondos para ese estudio. La idea parecía buena. Era una época de efervescencia musical tremenda en la que surgían grupos por doquier, las bandas sacaban hasta tres discos por año... en fin el negocio parecía bien pensado.
this ad was responded, among many others, by two young men from completely different environments, two hippies, one of them worker of a record company and another trying to survive by organizing concerts. They had as Project, to set up a recording studio for the talents of the area as Dylan or Hendrix, but they also conceived the idea of organizing a concert to promote and raise funds for the study. The idea seemed good. It was a time of tremendous musical effervescence with emerging groups everywhere, some of the bands with three albums a year ... well the business seemed well thought out.
Para llevar a cabo todo aquello montaron entre los cuatro una empresa llamada Woodstock Ventures Inc. Así nació el concierto de Woodstock, que si bien pasó así a la posteridad, en realidad se celebró en Bethel en el condado de Sullivan en NY. Sus cálculos más optimistas decían que podían conseguir que vinieran 10.000 personas. Casi 500.000 acudieron al evento. Entre ellos dos amigos y yo.-
To accomplish all, they created a company called Woodstock Ventures Inc. Thus, the Woodstock concert was born, which went well although posterity, actually held in Bethel (Sullivan County-NY). His most optimistic estimates say they could get 10,000 people to come. Nearly 500,000 attended the event. Including two friends and me.-
Tras coger nuevas cervezas, prosiguió:
After taking new beers, he continued:
- Empezó nublado aquel 15 de agosto de 1969. Salimos temprano en el Chevrolet Camaro de Lou. Recogimos a Artie y camino al concierto íbamos ya escuchando y cantando a nuestras bandas favoritas de entonces, la Creedence con su "Fortunate Son", y un grupo nuevo inglés que a Lou le gustaba mucho. Lo formaban dos antiguos miembros de los Yardbirds. Se hacían llamar Led Zeppelin, porque alguien (según la leyenda un miembro de The Who) le había dicho a su guitarrista, Jimmy Page, que iban a estrellarse como un Zeppelin de plomo (como un Led Zeppelin tal y como se pronunciaría en inglés). El nombre gustó a todos y se quedó así. Bueno no gustó a todos. Dice la leyenda que una de las descendientes del barón Von Zeppelin no quedó contenta de que los que describió como unos "monos chillones" usaran su nombre de familia. ¡Faltaría más!
- He started cloudy that 15 August 1969. We left early in the Lou´s new Chevrolet Camaro. We picked up Artie, who was waiting for us, and during the travel to the concert we were already listening and singing our favorite bands at the time, the Creedence with "Fortunate Son" and a new english group that Lou loved so much. Two former members of the Yardbirds was in it. They called Led Zeppelin, because someone (according to the legend, a member of The Who) had told it guitarist, Jimmy Page, that they were going to crash like a lead Zeppelin . All of them liked the name and the band was named that way. Well not everyone loves that name. Legend say that one of the descendants of Baron von Zeppelin hated the idea that some "howler monkeys", as she described the band, use her family name as a band´s name. Of course not!
Creedence Clearwater Revival.- Fortunate son
Led Zeppelin.- Babe, I´m gonna leave you
Led Zeppelin.- Dazed and Confused
-A mí me sonaban algo extraños, no se por qué, pero el caso es que en aquel coche, y camino de aquél concierto me empezaron a gustar y después a encantar. En estas estábamos cuando tras casi una hora parados, vimos como la gente dejaba los coches en la cuneta o en cualquier lado y empezaban a andar. Era imposible avanzar más. - La gente que vivía por allí miraba a la carretera con la incredulidad de quién está acostumbrado a ver más vacas que coches. ¡Yo creo que algunos tenían incluso las escopetas cargadas detrás de sus puertas no fuera a ser que los melenudos ocasionaran problemas!
It sounded rather strange to me, I don´t know why, but the fact is that in that car, and that way I began to like them and after that to love them. We were almost an hour stopped, we watched as people left the car in the ditch or elsewhere and began to walk. It was impossible to go further by car. - People who lived there looked to the road as they saw something unbelievable. It seemed that they were used to see more cows than cars in that place most of the days . I think some of them were prepared, even with loaded shotguns behind their doors, to the case of that hairy people causes problems
-Mientras caminábamos les fui contando la película de Easy Rider y les propuse que nos fuéramos al oeste juntos al finalizar el verano a lo que no me dijeron que no pero no vi entusiasmo. Íbamos algo drogados y no le di importancia, ya volvería al tema más tarde, aunque sabía que iba a ser complicado convencerles. Su vida si estaba encauzada.
While we were walking, I was telling them about the film Easy Rider and I proposed them to leave the city at the end of the summer and going to the west. They didn´t say no but I didn´t see enthusiasm in them. We were somewhat drugged and I thought I would return to the issue later, but I knew it would be difficult to convince tem . Their life was channeled. Mine not.
- Por fin llegamos a las inmediaciones del recinto siguiendo a la marea humana y vimos como la gente se colaba por alambradas rotas entre risas y gritos. Luego nos enteraríamos de que los organizadores estuvieron pagando las pérdidas del concierto hasta 1980 y no nos extrañó ya que de todos los asistentes calculo que pagarían como mucho la mitad.
- At last we arrived near the enclosure where the concert took place, following the human tide and watched as people came in through broken fences, laughing and shouting. A lot of years after, we knew that the organizers were paying concert losses until 1980. The fact did not surprise us because of all participants i think they would pay half of them as much.
-El peyote, la marihuana y LSD estaban por todas partes, haciendo que mucha gente yaciera inmóvil y otros muchos danzaran sin sentido viviendo sus propias realidades. Nosotros no íbamos tampoco muy bien, pero salvo Artie por culpa de la marihuana, todavía no habíamos perdido del todo el control. El LSD te permite unos viajes alucinantes. Duran varias horas y se llega incluso a situaciones de sinestesia en la que los sentidos se confunden, los colores suenan, los sonidos huelen . El corazón se acelera al máximo y la euforia te invade. Bajo sus efectos puedes hacer cualquier cosa, y eso es muy peligroso. Por eso no es nada recomendable.
-The Peyote, marijuana and LSD were everywhere, making many people laying motionless and many dancing senseless, living their own realities. We also were not going well, but except Artie because of marijuana, we still had not lost all control. LSD offers some amazing trips. It last several hours and it even produce synesthesia situations, in which the senses are confused, sound colors, sounds smell. The heart races to the maximum and euphoria invades you. Under the effects of that, you can do anything, and that is very dangerous. So it's not advisable at all.
-Al principio nos pusimos donde pudimos, un lugar en el que la visibilidad era casi nula pero se oía bien. Luego, ya por la noche y con Artie recuperado conseguimos ubicarnos mejor con la ayuda de un alemán que andaba por allí con dos o tres chicas amigas suyas a las que intentamos también hacer amigas nuestras, cosa que a pesar del LSD y la paciencia no sucedió. ¡El amor libre no era para nosotros tan libre después de todo!.
At first we got where we could, a place where the visibility was almost nil but sounded good. Then, at night when Artie was recovered, we had got better position with the help of a German and two or three friends of him, girls to which we also try to be friends of them, but despite the LSD and patience,it did not happen .Free love was not for us so free after all !.
-Fue un auténtico placer ver bajo la lluvia a Joan Baez embarazada y escuchar como, con su deliciosa voz, contaba que a su marido se lo había llevado la policía aprovechando el revuelo mediático causado por la llegada del hombre a la luna unos días antes y lo habían metido en una prisión federal. Su delito, negarse a ser alistado para ir a la guerra. A su lado salió Jeffrey Shurtleff y juntos dedicaron sarcásticamente la primera canción al gobernador de California, Mr. Ronald Reagan -
It was a real pleasure to see, under the rain, and listen to pregnant Joan Baez with her delightful voice. She told how the police, taking advantage of the media phenomenon of the arrival to the moon a few days before, had put her husband in federal prison. His crime, refusing to be enlisted to go to war. Beside he came together Jeffrey Shurtleff and theysarcastically dedicated the first song to the governor of California, Mr. Ronald Reagan -
Joan Baez.- Sweet Sir Galahad
Joan Baez.- We Shall Overcome
Por la tarde del día siguiente entró Santana, con las étnicas percusiones de su "Soul Sacrifice", y por la noche, tras la tormenta que afectó a Grateful Dead, y de la que nos refugiamos en una especie de tienda de campaña del alemán, ya de paso intentando un nuevo avance hacía sus amigas, llegaron nuestros favoritos. La Creedence Clearwater Revival. ¡John Fogerty estaba a unos metros de nosotros! Lógicamente nos olvidamos de las mujeres y buscamos sitio lo más cerca posible de nuestros ídolos.
In the afternoon the next day he went Santana, with ethnic percussion from his "Soul Sacrifice", and at night, after the storm that hit Grateful Dead, the same that made us to look for refuge in the german´s guy kind of tent ,a good chance to trying to pass a new step towards her friends by the way , came our favorites. Creedence Clearwater Revival.John Fogerty was a few meters from us! Logically we forget the women and looking site as close as possible to our idols.
In the afternoon the next day he went Santana, with ethnic percussion from his "Soul Sacrifice", and at night, after the storm that hit Grateful Dead, the same that made us to look for refuge in the german´s guy kind of tent ,a good chance to trying to pass a new step towards her friends by the way , came our favorites. Creedence Clearwater Revival.John Fogerty was a few meters from us! Logically we forget the women and looking site as close as possible to our idols.
Santana.- Soul Sacrifice
Creedence Clearwater Revival.- Bootleg
Creedence Clearwater Revival.- Born on the Bayou
(Aquí me permito añadir una versión espectacular del tema "Proud Mary" de la Creedence interpretado por Tina Turner y otro de "Fortunate Son" de Fogerty con Bruce Springsteen):
(Here I add a spectacular version of "Proud Mary" by Creedence played by Tina Turner and a "Fortunate Son" Fogerty with Bruce Springsteen):
Creedence Clearwater Revival (with BSpringsteen).- Fortunate Son
A las dos y media de la madrugada entró Janis Joplin y su Kozmic Blues Band. Parecía estar algo recuperada de sus problemas depresivos, pero sólo lo parecía. Continuaban sus problemas con el alcohol y la heroína. Tenía entonces 26 años y aunque aparentaba bastantes más nadie podía pensar que le quedase poco más de un año de vida. Tras preocuparse por como estábamos los del público y criticar algo a la organización por nuestro hacinamiento, comenzó a cantar con su inimitable voz, esa voz que sus tormentos interiores contribuyeron a construir, y que ella aprendió a modular, o quizá a domesticar, para nuestro deleite y el de generaciones futuras. La vida la exprimió al máximo para sacar el delicioso néctar de su voz. En Woodstock hizo lo que siempre decía que hacía con su público, hacer el amor con él y después volver sola a casa. Allí buscaría cobijo en lo de siempre.
At two-thirty in the morning came Janis Joplin and her Kozmic Blues Band. She seemed somewhat recovered from their depressive problems, but she only seemed. Their problems with alcohol and heroin continued. She was 26 years old but despite of it seemed she was elder, nobody could think that in about a yearshe would die. After worrying about us, the audience, and criticize something about the organization for our overcrowding and our situation after the rain, she began to sing with his inimitable voice, that voice their inner torments helped to build, and she learned to modulate, or perhaps tame, for our delight and that of future generations. The life squeezed down to take the delicious but bitter and broken nectar of her voice. In Woodstock she did what she always said she did with his audience, making love with him and then return home alone. There seek shelter in the usual.
At two-thirty in the morning came Janis Joplin and her Kozmic Blues Band. She seemed somewhat recovered from their depressive problems, but she only seemed. Their problems with alcohol and heroin continued. She was 26 years old but despite of it seemed she was elder, nobody could think that in about a yearshe would die. After worrying about us, the audience, and criticize something about the organization for our overcrowding and our situation after the rain, she began to sing with his inimitable voice, that voice their inner torments helped to build, and she learned to modulate, or perhaps tame, for our delight and that of future generations. The life squeezed down to take the delicious but bitter and broken nectar of her voice. In Woodstock she did what she always said she did with his audience, making love with him and then return home alone. There seek shelter in the usual.
Janis Joplin.- Try
Janis Joplin.- Summertime
Janis Joplin.- Kozmic Blues
El domingo por la tarde salió Joe Cocker y nos dejó para el recuerdo su versión del tema "With a Little Help from my Friends". Tema sensacional sacado de la inagotable maravillosa chistera de The Beatles. Quizá la de Cocker sea la mejor versión, mejor incluso que la original. Es un gran mérito dado que el tema ha tenido hasta una versión de los teleñecos.
The Sunday afternoon came Joe Cocker and left us to remember his version of "With a Little Help from my Friends". Sensational song that cames out of the wonderful inexhaustible Beatles´s hat. Mybe the Cocker version is the best, even better than the original. It is a great achievement given that the song has been sung even for the Muppets.
The Sunday afternoon came Joe Cocker and left us to remember his version of "With a Little Help from my Friends". Sensational song that cames out of the wonderful inexhaustible Beatles´s hat. Mybe the Cocker version is the best, even better than the original. It is a great achievement given that the song has been sung even for the Muppets.
Joe Cocker.- With a Little Help from my Friends
Para finalizar, Jimmy Hendrix. Ya la gente había comenzado a irse aunque debían quedar unas 150.000 personas todavía, exhaustas y no muy atentas a la música, pensando ya más en la vuelta. El alemán y sus chicas nos habían ya dejado y yo también propuse largarnos tras la versión ensordecedora y distorsionada del himno "Star Spanggled Banner" de Hendrix (supuestamente buscando reflejar el efecto de la guerra sobre nuestro país). Menos mal que no me hicieron caso y nos quedamos. Nos quedamos y nunca me arrepentí. Poco más de un año más tarde también nos dejaba este genio y me arrepentí aún menos de haberme quedado. Si en su día fue capaz de impresionar a Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck o al mismísimo Paul McCartney ¡como no me iba a impresionar a mí!.
Finally, Jimmy Hendrix. At that point, people had begun to leave but had left some 150,000 people still, exhausted and not very attentive to the music, thinking longer in the travel to return home. German guy and her girls had already left us and I also proposed to get out after the deafening and distorted version of the hymn "Star Spanggled Banner" by Hendrix (supposedly seeking to reflect the effect of war on our country). Luckily they did not listen to me and we stayed there. We were there and never regretted it. Just over a year later, this genius left us too, and then, I regretted even less have stayed there. If at some point he was able to impress Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck or Paul McCartney how wasn´t he be able to impress me !.
Finally, Jimmy Hendrix. At that point, people had begun to leave but had left some 150,000 people still, exhausted and not very attentive to the music, thinking longer in the travel to return home. German guy and her girls had already left us and I also proposed to get out after the deafening and distorted version of the hymn "Star Spanggled Banner" by Hendrix (supposedly seeking to reflect the effect of war on our country). Luckily they did not listen to me and we stayed there. We were there and never regretted it. Just over a year later, this genius left us too, and then, I regretted even less have stayed there. If at some point he was able to impress Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck or Paul McCartney how wasn´t he be able to impress me !.
Jimmy Hendrix.- Vodoo Child
Jimmy Hendrix.- Purple Haze
Jimmy Hendrix.- Hey Joe
-Después de esto vuelta a casa y tras una semana, estaba en un coche alquilado camino de San Francisco con 500 dólares y un libro de inversiones en Bolsa que alguien se había olvidado en el maletero. En el futuro me vino bien. Otra semana más tarde, los asesinatos de Sharon Tate y los Labianca a manos de los miembros de "la familia" de Charles Manson. Ahí acabó para mí, y creo que para muchos el movimiento hippie, el flowerpower y todo lo que representaba. Bueno..bien pensado no acabó todo. La música permaneció y a mí me acompañará siempre.
-After that, back home and after a week, I was in a rented car road San Francisco with $ 500 and a book of share investments that someone had forgotten in the trunk. In the future me fine. Another week later, the murders of Sharon Tate and Labianca, Charles Manson´s family murders. The hippie movement, the flowerpower and all it represented was over for me and i think for many people. Well..not all was over. The music remained and I will always be accompanied by it.
A mí, gracias a Rossi, también me acompañaría esa música a partir de entonces. Terminamos las terceras cervezas y tras despedirme de Rossi y su hijo dejé la tienda. Intentaría volver otro día antes de regresar a Madrid. No me fue posible y no he sabido más de ellos. Tengo pendiente esa visita.
To me, thanks to Rossi, that music also will go with me thereafter. We finished the beers and after saying goodbye to Rossi and his son, I left the store. I woud try again to be back another day before returning to Madrid. It was not possible and I have not heard more of them. I have that visit pending.
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