Con respecto a las personas que escuchan Rock y Heavy metal..¿es cierto que son más inteligentes?
About people who listen to Rock and Heavy Metal.. is it true that they are smarter?
Esta relación de canciones puede que tenga sentido después de leer la pequeña historia que va después. Puede que no, ya veremos..
This list of songs may have sense after reading the little story that goes after. Maybe not, we'll see...
This list of songs may have sense after reading the little story that goes after. Maybe not, we'll see...

The other day I was returning to the Monpassa, you already know, the cafeteria and bookstore located in the barrio de las Letras in Madrid, which I tend to go. The place was more busy lately, I suppose it was benefiting from the flow of people coming to visit the convent of the Trinitarian in which it had been found the remains of Cervantes. The media phenomenon had taken effect and a good number of tourists, following the indications of their pocket guides, had just been wandering around the narrow streets and Little slopes looking for a place to sit and take something refreshing. It was the best they could do after receiving a good bathroom of that sun friendly that we have in May in Madrid. This is probably the best month to enjoy this city.

Arrive in time, and after greeting the owners Patxi and Carmen and order my first beer Alhambra, i started by looking at the shelves for something to read. There were books and magazines of all kinds, and I decided on one that in my youth or childhood almost, I always liked it. My father bought it and we enjoyed. It was called and it is called MUY INTERESANTE (very interesting) and many of its articles really were interesting and I saw this characteristic remains.

In that magazine in its day I discovered for example that they were studying in cars incorporate a kind of air bag in the steering wheel which amortiguase the driver hit, come on, the airbag that today nowadays take for granted in all cars, also all would bear a few mini-computers in your pocket that also would be phones, or for example that something called internet would allow us to be all connected around the world and may even make the purchase or pay taxes without leaving home. Also voting in elections, no ballot boxes, ballot papers or electoral colleges, and even though this last has not been fulfilled, we will see it safe.
- ¡Esa revista me encantaba!- dijo Rafa. Levanté a la vista y a ahí estaba, como siempre espigado y algo destartalado, supongo que como todos nosotros (bueno Nuria, no..) ;
I loved that magazine!-said Rafa. I got up to the view and there it was, as always slender and somewhat scruffy, I guess in the same way of all of us (well Nuria, no...)
- A mí también, pero la verdad es que no sabía ni siquiera que siguiera existiendo, - dije
- I, too, but the truth is that I didn't even know that continue to exist, - i said
- Pues yo hace unos años descubrí por ella que los "heavys" éramos unos tipos muy inteligentes- añadió sonriente, y mientras me lo decía, hacía un gesto a Carlos, que estaba en la barra, para que pidiese a Carmen un par más de cervezas.
-Well, I, a few years ago, discovered by it that people who loves metal music were very smart guys - added Smiley, and while he told me, was a gesture to Carlos, who was in the bar, to order to Carmen one couple of beers more.
-Well, I, a few years ago, discovered by it that people who loves metal music were very smart guys - added Smiley, and while he told me, was a gesture to Carlos, who was in the bar, to order to Carmen one couple of beers more.
- ¿ah, si?, - pregunté
Really? I Asked him
Really? I Asked him
- Pues sí. Según un estudio de una universidad americana o algo así, la gente que escucha música alternativa, rock o heavy son más inteligentes que el resto. Habían analizado los gustos musicales de un grupo de estudiantes brillantes y la mayoría de ellos preferían nuestro estilo de música. Se desmontaba así el mito de que los que amamos el género somos unos seres violentos, depresivos, incultos y oscuros para destacar que somos unos tipos brillantes.
Yes, it is. According to a study of an American university or something like that, people who listen to alternative music, rock or heavy are more intelligent than the rest. They had analyzed a group of bright students musical tastes and the majority of them preferred our style of music. The myth as well who love the genre are violent, depressive, uneducated and dark beings was dismantling that way, to highlight that we are some bright guys.
Yes, it is. According to a study of an American university or something like that, people who listen to alternative music, rock or heavy are more intelligent than the rest. They had analyzed a group of bright students musical tastes and the majority of them preferred our style of music. The myth as well who love the genre are violent, depressive, uneducated and dark beings was dismantling that way, to highlight that we are some bright guys.
- ¿Qué vosotros sois brillantes?..Nooo! dijo Carlos que acababa de llegar y en realidad no sabía de que estábamos hablando. - ¡Aquí la única brillante es Nuri! ¡Mirad que pibón!. Ella sonrió ya más que acostumbrada a los piropos en general y a los de Carlos en particular.
-What you are bright?... Nooo! Carlos said. he had just arrived and really did not know that we were talking about. -Here the only bright is Nuri! Look at that beautiful girl!. She smiled more than accustomed to compliments in general and to those of Carlos in particular.
Una vez todos sentados y puestos en antecedentes de la conversación, comenzamos una especie de debate sobre la credibilidad de esa supuesta relación entre música e inteligencia. Carlos sacó su ipad y consultó la noticia para ver más datos:
Once all seated and put on record the conversation, we started a kind of debate on the credibility of this supposed relationship between music and intelligence. Carlos pulled out his ipad and consulted the news to see more data:
Una vez todos sentados y puestos en antecedentes de la conversación, comenzamos una especie de debate sobre la credibilidad de esa supuesta relación entre música e inteligencia. Carlos sacó su ipad y consultó la noticia para ver más datos:
Once all seated and put on record the conversation, we started a kind of debate on the credibility of this supposed relationship between music and intelligence. Carlos pulled out his ipad and consulted the news to see more data:
- La muestra se hizo entre más de 1000 chavales de entre 13 y 18 años con altas capacidades intelectuales . La mayoría de ellos preferían el rock como música y la utilizaban como instrumento para liberar tensiones. Además de lo anterior, se hizo una medición objetiva de inteligencia a gente que prefería este tipo de música y los resultados fueron superiores a la media, sobretodo en lo que se refiere a la capacidad de abstracción. El estudio lo hizo la Universidad de Warwick, en el Reino Unido (Ahí Rafa se percató de su error al imputar el estudio a una universidad americana) y presentó sus resultados en la 18ª Conferencia Anual de la Asociación para la Ciencia Psicológica-.
- The sample was made between more than 1000 kids between 13 and 18 years with high intellectual capacities . Most of them preferred the rock such as music and used it as an instrument to relieve tension. In addition to the above, an objective measurement of intelligence to people who preferred this type of music was made and the results were superior to the average, especially as regards the capacity for abstraction. The study was done by the University of Warwick, in the United Kingdom (Ahi Rafa realized his error to impute the study at an American university) and presented his results at the 18th Annual Conference of the Association for Psychological Science-.
- The sample was made between more than 1000 kids between 13 and 18 years with high intellectual capacities . Most of them preferred the rock such as music and used it as an instrument to relieve tension. In addition to the above, an objective measurement of intelligence to people who preferred this type of music was made and the results were superior to the average, especially as regards the capacity for abstraction. The study was done by the University of Warwick, in the United Kingdom (Ahi Rafa realized his error to impute the study at an American university) and presented his results at the 18th Annual Conference of the Association for Psychological Science-.
-¿Y que es la capacidad de abstracción?.- preguntó Nuria.
-What is the capacity for abstraction? .- Nuria asked
-What is the capacity for abstraction? .- Nuria asked
Nadie lo tenía muy claro y tras las búsqueda de Carlos en internet, creo que tampoco lo entendimos del todo, por lo que quizá inconscientemente refutamos esa teoría de que éramos muy listos. Por lo visto, es una capacidad que permite extraer de la información que recibimos de un determinado hecho la parte fundamental, en última instancia esquemas lógicos y matemáticos. Eso nos permite ligarlo con otros hechos distintos en su configuración pero iguales en su fundamento lógico. De esta manera se pueden establecer esquemas que relacionan ambos fenómenos. Si no lo entendéis es que tampoco sois heavies, o sea listos.
Nobody was very clear and after the online search of Carlos, I think that either we understood it at all, so perhaps unconsciously we refute the theory that we were very clever. Apparently, it is a capacity that allows you to extract the information that we receive from a particular fact the main part, ultimately logical and mathematical diagrams. That allows us to link it with other facts different in its configuration, but equal in their rational fundaments. In this way you can set diagrams that relate both phenomena. If you do not understand it is that you are neither heavies, that is, clever.
Nobody was very clear and after the online search of Carlos, I think that either we understood it at all, so perhaps unconsciously we refute the theory that we were very clever. Apparently, it is a capacity that allows you to extract the information that we receive from a particular fact the main part, ultimately logical and mathematical diagrams. That allows us to link it with other facts different in its configuration, but equal in their rational fundaments. In this way you can set diagrams that relate both phenomena. If you do not understand it is that you are neither heavies, that is, clever.
Tras estas explicaciones, y con nuestros "supercerebros" cansados, decidimos que como los resultados del estudio nos gustaban no le íbamos a dar más vueltas.
After these explanations, and with our "superbrains" tired, we decided that as we liked the results of the study we would not think more about it.
After these explanations, and with our "superbrains" tired, we decided that as we liked the results of the study we would not think more about it.
Me quedé pensando en lo de liberar tensiones. A mí me pasa con esta música. Llego a casa después de un día horrible en el trabajo, con el tráfico o lo que sea, me siento, o mejor me tumbo en la cama y con la luz apagada me pongo los auriculares y al rato me encuentro mucho mejor. Podría parecer que lo mejor para relajarse sería escuchar Chill Out, el sonido del mar o cosas así, pero al menos yo, prefiero el estímulo que el rock me proporciona. Es quizá parecido a la sensación que te produce una buena sesión de ejercicio físico tras un duro día de trabajo de oficina o de estudio. No es exactamente igual pero es parecido. Te libera, te relaja y te descansa.
I kept thinking about in the release tension. This happens to me with this music. I come home after a horrible day at work, with traffic or whatever, I feel, or better I lie in bed with the lights off put my headphones and while I find much better. It might seem that the best to relax would be to listen to Chill Out, the sound of the sea or things, but at least I, I prefer the stimulus that the rock provides me. It is perhaps similar to the feeling that it gives you a good session of physical exercise after a hard day's work of office or study. It is not exactly the same but similar. It liberates you, relaxes you and rests you.
Y es que por lo visto, escuchar música a un volumen alto hace que el oído interno desencadene un estímulo para que el cerebro libere endorfinas y produzca sensaciones placenteras. Eso es lo que por ejemplo hace conmigo la relación de temas que arriba he ligado. Es una muestra, podrían ser muchos más. Va con los días.
And apparently, listening to music at high volume makes the inner ear to trigger a stimulus so that the brain release endorphins and produce pleasurable sensations. That is what makes for example with me the relationship of subjects above I've linked. It is a sample, it could be many more. It goes with the days.
I kept thinking about in the release tension. This happens to me with this music. I come home after a horrible day at work, with traffic or whatever, I feel, or better I lie in bed with the lights off put my headphones and while I find much better. It might seem that the best to relax would be to listen to Chill Out, the sound of the sea or things, but at least I, I prefer the stimulus that the rock provides me. It is perhaps similar to the feeling that it gives you a good session of physical exercise after a hard day's work of office or study. It is not exactly the same but similar. It liberates you, relaxes you and rests you.
Y es que por lo visto, escuchar música a un volumen alto hace que el oído interno desencadene un estímulo para que el cerebro libere endorfinas y produzca sensaciones placenteras. Eso es lo que por ejemplo hace conmigo la relación de temas que arriba he ligado. Es una muestra, podrían ser muchos más. Va con los días.
And apparently, listening to music at high volume makes the inner ear to trigger a stimulus so that the brain release endorphins and produce pleasurable sensations. That is what makes for example with me the relationship of subjects above I've linked. It is a sample, it could be many more. It goes with the days.
¡Espero que os gusten!
I hope you enjoy them!
I hope you enjoy them!
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